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Rastreador Personal

Cuántas veces te has preocupado sobre algunos miembros de tu familia cuando no estabas en alrededor Quépasa cuando la persona que sale de la casa para hacer algo? Esto puede ser un anciano de tu familia o un niño. Cuánto mejor te sentirías si supieras que podría vigilar a ellos y que fácilmente podría notificarte si algo estaba mal Bueno, eso es lo que el localizador GPS puede proporcionarte.

GT300 GT300 GT300 GSM/GPS safety phone built-in GPS receiver Concox GT300 is a powerful GSM/GPS safety phone designed mainly for children/elderly/luggage/pets. Its built-in GPS receiver has superior sensitivity and fast time to first fix. Quad band GPRS/GSM subsystem of this GPS tracking equipme..
GT350 GT350 GT350 Personal GPS Tracker with Long Stand-by Time GT350 Long Stand-by Time Mini Personal GPS Tracker is designed for inspectors, travelers, outworkers, etc. This Personal GPS Tracking Device supports a wide variety of functions including emergency, geo-fence boundary crossings, voice ..
GK309E GK309E GK309E Ultra-slim GPS tracker GK309E could be the slimmest GPS tracker that you have met. This ultra-slim GPS tracker, with GPS and RFID function (optional), is specifically designedfor students, worker, employee andchildren. If you like, you can even conceal the G..
Qbit™ Qbit™ Qbit™ Mini Personal GPS Tracker The newly-launched Qbit Personal GPS Tracker will give you a completely new level of awareness and convenience. It stands out by compact, lightweight design for both excellent mobility and reliability. Loaded with GPS, Qbit enables you t..